2023 Summer Adult and Youth Flower & Vegetable Show
Saturday, August 19, 2023 at the *New Location* Deep River Public Library
Show Co-ordinators Tracy Echlin 613-584-9739 and Kay Hunt 613-885-4140
Please place exhibits Friday night (Aug. 18 between 5 – 6 p.m.)
& Saturday morning August 19 between 8 – 10:30 a.m.
Doors will close at 10:30 a.m. for Judging.
Exhibits must be removed between 2:30 – 3 p.m.
Opened to the Public
from 12 noon – 2:30 p.m.
SECTION A – Annuals
Class 1 Begonia, Fibrous 3 Stems
Class 2 Calendulas 3 Blooms
Class 3 Celosia 3 Blooms
Class 4 Cosmos 3 Blooms
Class 5 Geranium (Pelargonium) 1 Stem
Class 6 Lobelia 3 Stems
Class 7 *Marigold, under 5 cm (2”) 3 Blooms
Class 8 *Marigold, over 5 cm (2”) 3 Blooms
Class 9 Nicotiana 3 Stems
Class 10 Pansy 3 Blooms
Class 11 Viola 3 Blooms
Class 12 Sunflower, under 50 cm (20”) 1 Stem
Class 13 Sunflower, over 50 cm (20”) 1 Stem
Class 14 Osteospernum 3 Blooms
Class 15 Strawflowers 3 Blooms
Class 16 Impatiens 3 Stems
Class 17 Petunia 3 Stems
Class 18 Salvia 3 Stems
Class 19 Snapdragon 3 Stems
Class 20 Sweet Pea 3 stems
Class 21 Zinnia, under 10 cm (4”) 3 Blooms
Class 22 Zinnia, over 10 cm (4”) 3 Blooms
Class 23 *Any other annual not listed above, named 3 Stems/Blooms
Class 24 Collection of annuals, 3 kinds, named 2 Blooms of each
SECTION B – Perennials and Biennials, Hardy Bulbs
Class 25 Asters 2 Stems
Class 26 Platycodon 2 Stems
Class 27 Sedum 1 Spike
Class 28 Coreopsis 3 Stems
Class 29 Phlox 2 Stems
Class 30 Sweet Pea 2 Stems
Class 31 Ligulairia 1 Spike
Class 32 Liatris 1 Spike
Class 33 Tradescantia 2 Stems
Class 34 Yarrow 1 Spike
Class 35 *Hemerocallis (Daylily) 1 Scape
Class 36 Lily, Oriental 1 Stem
Class 37 Any other Lily –named 1 Stem
Class 38 *Echinacea (Coneflower), named 2 Blooms
Class 39 Gaillardia 2 Blooms
Class 40 Rudbeckia 2 Blooms
Class 41 *Shasta Daisy 2 Stems
Class 42 *Any other named perennial or biannual not listed above 2 Stems
Class 43 Collection of perennial or biennials , 3 kinds, named 2 Blooms of each
SECTION C – Tender Bulbs, Corms & Tubers
Class 44 Begonia, Tuberous 1 Bloom
Class 45 *Dahlia-decorative, over 10 cm (4”) 1 Bloom
Class 46 *Dahlia-decorative, under 10 cm (4”) 1 Bloom
Class 47 *Dahlia-cactus, over 10 cm (4”) 1 Bloom
Class 48 *Dahlia-cactus, under 10 cm (4”) 1 Bloom
Class 49 *Dahlia-Ball/Pom-Pom 1 Bloom
Class 50 *Dahlia-Novelty-single, orchid, anemome 1 Bloom
Class 51 Acidanthrea 1 Bloom
Class 52 Gladiolus, pink 1 Spike
Class 53 Gladiolus, red 1 Spike
Class 54 Gladiolus, white 1 Spike
Class 55 Gladiolus, cream 1 Spike
Class 56 Gladiolus, yellow 1 Spike
Class 57 Gladiolus, mauve 1 Spike
Class 58 Gladiolus, purple 1 Spike
Class 59 Gladiolus, any other colour or multicolour 1 Spike
Class 60 *Any other tender bulb, corm or tuber, not listed, named 1 Bloom/Stem /Spike
Class 61 *Rose, Hybrid Tea, named 1 Bloom
Class 62 *Rose, Floribunda, named 1 Spray
Class 63 *Rose, Grandiflora, named 1 Spray
Class 64 *Rose, Climbing, named 1 Spray
Class 65 *Rose, Climbing, named 1 Spray
Class 66 *Rose, Shrub, named 1 Spray
Class 67 *Rose, Miniature, named 1 Spray
Class 68 *Rose, Miniature, named 1 Bloom
Class 69 * Pavement Rose, any colour, named 1 Spray
Class 70 Rose, Selected for Fragrance 1 Bloom
Class 71 A Rose, Floated in a suitable Container 1 Bloom
SECTION E – Shrubs and Vines
Class 72 * Hydrangea, not to exceed 60 cm (24”) 1 Bloom
Class 73 *Any flowering shrub, named 1 Stem
Class 74 *Any flowering vine, named 1 Stem
SECTION F – Foliage
Class 75 Hosta, miniature less than 15 cm. in length (6”) 3 Leaves
Class 76 Hosta, medium 15-30 cm (6 – 12”) 3 Leaves
Class 77 Hosta, large over 30 cm (12”) 3 Leaves
Class 78 Caladium 3 Leaves
Class 79 *Fern 3 Fronds
Class 80 Coleus 3 Leaves
Class 81 *Any other foliage, not listed, named 3 Leaves
SECTION G – Container Plants
Class 82 *African Violet, single flowered
Class 83 *African Violet, double flowered
Class 84 *African Violet, miniature
Class 85 *African Violet, variegated
Class 86 *Orchid
Class 87 *Geranium
Class 88 *Any hanging or trailing plant, not listed, named
Class 89 *Any other pot plant, not listed, named
SECTION H – Fruits and Vegetables
Class 90 Apples, any named 3 Specimens
Class 91 Beans, yellow wax 6 Pods
Class 92 Beans, green bush 6 Pods
Class 93 Beans, any other than green and yellow, named 6 Pods
Class 94 Beans, pole 6 Pods
Class 95 Beet Root, 2.5 cm (1”) top 3 Roots
Class 96 Berries, any named 6 berries
Class 97 Broccoli 1 Head
Class 98 Cabbage, green or savory 1 Head
Class 99 *Carrots, 2.5 cm (1”) top 5 Roots
Class 100 Cauliflower 1 Head
Class 101 Corn, sweet,1/3 husked 3 Ears
Class 102 Crab apples, any named 6 Specimens
Class 103 Cucumber, pickling – up to 15 cm (6”) 6 Specimens
Class 104 Cucumber, slicing – over 15 cm (6”) 2 Specimens
Class 105 Herb, Dill 1 Stem
Class 106 Herb, Parsley 1 Stem
Class 107 Herb collection, named 3 Kinds, minimum
Class 108 Lettuce, Head 1 Head
Class 109 Lettuce, Leaf 6 Leaves
Class 110 Onions, green 3 Specimens
Class 111 *Onions 3 Specimens
Class 112 Parsnip, 1.25 cm top (1/2 inch) 3 Roots
Class 113 Peas 6 Pods
Class 114 Peppers, sweet, 1.25cm stem (1/2”) 2 Specimens
Class 115 Peppers, sweet tapered, 1.25cm stem (1/2”) 2 Specimens
Class 116 Peppers, hot, 1.25 cm stem (1/2”) 2 Specimens
Class 117 *Potatoes (White), named 4 Specimens
Class 118 *Potatoes (Red), named 4 Specimens
Class 119 *Potatoes (Any Other), named 4 Specimens
Class 120 Pumpkin 1 Specimen
Class 121 Rhubarb, leaves attached 3 Stalks
Class 122 Spinach 3 Leaves
Class 123 *Squash, summer 1 Specimen
Class 124 *Squash, winter 1 Specimen
Class 125 Squash, zucchini 1 Specimen
Class 126 Swiss Chard 3 Leaves
Class 127 Tomatoes, named, over 5 cm (2”) 3 Specimens
Class 128 Tomatoes, named under 5 cm (2”) 3 Specimens
Class 129 Tomatoes, Heritage, named, over 5 cm (2”) 2 Specimens
Class 130 Tomatoes, Plum, named, over 5 cm (2”) 3 Specimens
Class 131 Tomatoes, Truss 1 Truss
Class 132 Garlic, Porcelain 3 Bulbs
Class 133 Garlic, Purple Stripe 3 Bulbs
Class 134 Garlic, Rocambole 3 Bulbs
Class 135 Garlic, Any other not named 3 Bulbs
Class 136 Turnip 1 Root
Class 137 *Cabbage, Head 1 Head
Class 138 Kale, Leaf 6 Leaves
Class 139 Eggplant 1 Specimen
Class 140 Concord Grapes 3 Clusters
Class 141 White Grapes 3 Clusters
Class 142 *Any fruit, not listed above, named, over 15 cm (6”) 1 Specimen
Class 143 *Any fruit, not listed above, named, 5 to 15 cm (2 – 6”) 3 Specimens
Class 144 *Any fruit, not listed above, named, under 5 cm (2”) 5 Specimens
Class 145 *Any vegetable, not listed above, named, over 15 cm (6”) 1 Specimen
Class 146 *Any vegetable, not listed above, named, 5 to 15 cm (2 – 6”) 3 Specimens
Class 147 *Any vegetable, not listed above, named, under 5 cm (2”) 5 Specimens
Class 148 *Fruit, Vegetable and flower display in a container not to exceed
60 X 60 cm (24” x 24”), named (list of all contents)
1 Container
SECTION I – Design Classes
Theme – Marion’s Passion
Class 149 REMEMBERING : A pavé design. A technique of placing groups of plant material that have
been cut very short, close to form undulating mounds of colors, textures, shapes, and sizes. Any plant material
(e.g. moss, fruits & vegetables, foliage flowers, cut flowers) can be used. 45×45×45 cm. ( 17.7″×17.7”×17.7″)
Class 150 FIRE HYDRANT: A water feature. 30×30×30 cm ( 11.8″×11.8″×11.8″)
Class 151 CATS AND DOGS: Your interpretation 30×30×30 cm (11.8″×11.8″×11.8″)
Class 152 ICE CAP: A design in a Medium Tim Hortons Cup
Class 153 GROUPS/ ASSOCIATIONS : A line design with lots of color. 30×30×30 cm
Class 154 OH WHERE HAVE ALL THE FLOWERS GONE: A design on a garden tool 40×40×40 cm
2023 Youth Summer Flower and Vegetable Show
Class 1 Marigolds, any type 3 Stems with Foliage
Class 2 Sunflower 1 stem
Class 3 *Any Other Annual 2 Blooms, Stems, Spikes or Sprays
Class 4 *Any Perennial 2 Blooms, Stems, Spikes or Sprays
Class 6 Beans, any colour 5 Specimens
Class 7 Tomato, Cherry or Small Variety, with Calyx Left On 5 Specimens
Class 8 Summer Squash or Zucchini under 20 cm (8”) in Length 2 Specimens
Class 9 *Any Other Vegetable 1 Specimen
Class 10 Collection of Three Herbs, Labelled in Water 3 Stems or Sprays
Design Classes
Class 11 LETTER TO THE EDITOR- A letter about something you are passionate about with Flowers around.
Class 12 HOW DOES YOUR GARDEN GROW- an array of flowers and vegetables
Class 13 LOOK WHAT BROUGHT US TO THE TABLE – a table center piece for a dinner table
Class 14 FAST FOOD – a design in a basket of fruits and vegetables
Show Co-ordinators Tracy Echlin and Kay Hunt extend a warm invitation to all new exhibitors to bring their
flowers, branches, roses, herbs, fruits and vegetables and designs to the Summer Flower and Vegetable Show.
Help will be waiting to assist you to place your specimens. Come out and have some fun!